Tuesday, November 17, 2009

HTML:The Tags of Life

This second grading, I learn more things about ICT. Our subject ICT in second grading focuses in the HTML. The hypertext mark-up language or more commonly known as HTML. It contains tags, the basic coding unit in the HTML system. Some examples are

 and a lot more, these are my discoveries in TLE subject.

In this field of study, I found Many problems. My major problems is how to manage may time. In the previous days, I was busy in doing some works and HTML needs to be studied seriously. I also encountered problems on how to use the HTML tags. I am a little bit bothered on where to put, when to put, what to put tags. If you have a mistake you should edit it because you will find fault in your results. I am confused with these tags, because their own functions and some of them I don't know their function.

In these problems until Now, I am very worried on how to solve these problems. Time is my major problem in solving these problems. However I find time to read and review my notes so that I will not be left behind. I also have some adjustment in my time so that I can study my lessons. These tags will be my lessons in life and I will apply it not in a notepad but in the real life.